Run pee time
Have you ever needed to go to the toilet during the cinema, and didn’t want to go because you might miss an essential part of a film? Well, there is an iPhone app called “Run pee” which according to the description "helps your blader enjoy going to the movies as much as you do". This service basically tells you the times in a movie where you can go to pee, without missing a huge part of the storyline. Here is an example of the movie Bruno.
As you can see above there is a timeline which shows the times you can run and pee. Below the timeline is the description of the various times during the movie. The bottom section is what happens during your trip to the toilet. Cleverly, the text is all scrambled up to avoid spoiling the movie. You can select the unscramble button to unscramble the text which allows you to know what happen when you are away.
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